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On this website you will find all the legal documents and transcripts relating to legal proceedings undertaken by Brian Shaw. We have put the documents under the legal section where you can find documents relating to specific matters. Documents relating to the Constitution can be found under The Constitution section.
Learn about the Great Australian Robbery
This is What I have uncovered
- The oath / affirmation that Julia Gillard affirmed, is unlawful
- The Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia under Rudd and Gillard for the last number of years has sat unlawfully, because the Crown of the United Kingdom was removed and substituted from Western Australia with out the required referendum consent on 1st January 2004.
- The criminal offence of Treason was committed when the Crown of the UnitedKingdom was removed from the State of Western Australia without the required State and Commonwealth Referendums on 1st January 2004.
- Julia Gillard, John Howard, Kim Beasley, Michael Jeffery, Damian Bugg, R Hulls and others in the period 15th December 2006 and 29th January 2007, were criminally charged by Private Prosecution Right at the Melbourne Magistrates Court in this period. In addition Grand Jury applications were lodged at the Full Court of the Supreme Court Melbourne Victoria on each defendant.
- Julia Gillard has not revealed that these criminal charges exist. Julia Gillard was charged with concealing treason, and as such is disqualified from sitting in either House of Parliament because of Section 44 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.
- The Australian Election Paper relating to nominations states:-
“The disqualification in Section 44 renders a person incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a member of either house. The disqualifications therefore operate from the time the process of election starts that process, including Nomination of Candidates”
For more specific information relating to these criminal offences and the concealment of the existence of these offences, please refer to Attainted of Treason document, Brief of Evidence
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And Elijah came unto all the people, and said,
"How long halt ye between two opinions?
if the LORD be God, follow him:
but if Baal, then follow him."
And the people answered him not a word.
(1 Kings 18:21)
Elijah (the Father) vs Jezebel (the Mother)
To short-circuit all of the Jewish and Christian church concealment of the spiritual facts revealed by Scripture, I make the following statement from Scripture:
The name Eli-Jah reveals the Father.
The name Jezebel reveals the Mother.
Both appear in both Testaments.
Saul, who became Paul, was originally a Jewish Sanhedrin assassin; a grown man when he met the spirit of Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus, and the result of the encounter is revealed at Galatians, Chapter 1, Versus 15 and 16:
"But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and called me by his grace. To reveal his Son in me, that I may preach him among the heathen; immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood".