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Brian Shaw presenting STOP THE ELECTION Destiny Centre

Brian Shaw presenting STOP THE ELECTION Destiny Centre


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Australian Christian Nation
"Humbly Relying on the Blessing of Almighty God"

The Criminal Act of Treason
"Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practices Act 2003"
Section 130. Supreme Court Act 1935 amended -- (THE MASONIC ACT)
(1)The amendments in this section are to the Supreme Court Act 1935
(3)Section 9(1) is amended by deleting "Her Majesty" and inserting
instead — " the Governor ".
(4)Section 15(1) is amended by deleting "Royal Arms" and inserting
instead — " armorial bearings of the State ".
(9)Section 119 is amended by deleting "to Her Majesty or any of her
subjects, or other persons entitled in like manner as subjects".
(12)The Second Schedule is amended by deleting "our Sovereign Lady
Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and successors" and inserting instead —
" the State of Western Australia ".

Let us look at what went wrong initially....
"On 1st January 2004, the Government of Western Australia at Perth,
Western Australia, inclusive of the Executive Legislature and Judicial
arms, in agreement with "the Commonwealth", did enact an overt Act
titled "Acts Amendment and Repeal Courts and Legal Practice Act 2003 WA".
By such enactment an Act of Treason was committed.
Such Treason has been concealed by the defendant, since the date of enactment up to and
inclusive of the present date."

Further, in Victoria, the Courts and Tribunals Legislation (Further Amendment) Act 2000
(Vic) was assented to on 5 September 2000, with removal of the oath of allegiance which
accorded with the Constitution. At PART 2, Legal Practice Act 1996, Section 3, it
states "Oath of allegiance no longer required" it requires the Court to establish "the
form and manner" required. However, NO statute can cause a Court to have power the
constitution disallows -- as the Court sits in judgment only. The fact remains, the Court has
NO power to substitute or make constitutional law!

Chief Magistrate Ian Gray stated
in open Court:
"You will not be relying on the
Constitution in my Court"
The Charge remains pending Grand Jury

Oath as per Schedule in Constitution of Australia:
I, A.B., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen
Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law. SO HELP ME GOD!
I, A.B., do solemnly and sincerely affirm and declare that I will be faithful and bear
true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Victoria, Her heirs and successors according to law

Legal Practice Act (Vic) Oath of Allegiance removed
The Offence of Treason is "Breach of Allegiance"


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