Details for 'Trading Birth Certificates'
Name | Trading Birth Certificates |
Description | The Impossible Democracy - Trading Birth Certificates Justice Jack Forrest And Julie Hoskin. Every person. Inclusive of Jack Forrest, working for or under the corporate network of the Victorian court structure has been sold off-shore. Jack Forrest is not an impartial judge, Jack Forrest works for the entity that has purchased all Victorians in an off-shore human trafficking trade. Every officer of the Victorian Supreme Court is in the same situation as Jack Forrest - sold off-shore. |
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File name | Trading birth Certificates.pdf |
Version | |
Size | 271.55 KB |
File type | pdf (Mime type application/pdf) |
Owner | Super User |
Date added | 02/08/2020 21:25:51 |
Hits | 2610 |
Last modified on | 02/08/2020 21:28:21 |
MD5 checksum | cf9e40cc1fadc1aa85d587c542fa2fba |